Friday, July 27, 2007

Are you dragging your beautiful children into your dangerous dream of "Afghanistan"?

Someone recently asked us though an email if we had given any thought to the idea that we were "dragging our children into our dangerous dream of Afghanistan"? This brings up a good point. As a mother I have thought long and hard about moving my children to Afghanistan. It's true that living overseas and working in an underprivileged area of the world comes with potential risks and I can see why some would say we are "dragging" our children into this. However, we see it differently. Our children are too young to have opposing views so this is the best time to move to Afghanistan. If they were older and opposed to going we would consider not going. I think they will love Afghanistan. And I believe the best thing I can do for my children is show them a life with meaning. That's not to say life cannot have meaning here in America, but living in a world where clean water and electricity are not things you take for granted, it becomes easier to realize what truly has meaning in life. My hope is that my dream of "Afghanistan" becomes my children's dream as well. That being to do things in life that matter...


Danielle said...

I'm sorry to be negative, but I think you are making a huge mistake. The best way you can shape your children's future and give them a life with meaning is to give them opportunity. If you think you'll find that for them in Afghanistan, you are mistaken. For all the education you have between the two of you, you're a couple of fools. You should be thankful you were born and raised in the USA so that your children can have the best that life has to offer. To drag them into a warzone is selfish and stupid. Shame on you.

slobotski said...
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slobotski said...

Danielle--your attack on the family shows the close mindedness and selfishness that many of people in the United States have.

It's because of people like Ken & Erin that make America great.

Will be praying for you guys and let us know if there's anything we can do.

Danielle said...

If they want a "meaningful life," why don't Ken and Erin move their family to North or South Omaha and teach in inner city schools there? What's the point of dragging your CHILDREN who have no say and no authority to stop you from RUINING their lives? This family has no appreciation for what makes America great. They deserve everything that's coming to them!

Unknown said...

Danielle -

While I agree that you are entitled to your opinion, I find it difficult to put much stock in your advice as your personal attack on Ken and Erin's parenting shows your lack of knowledge of who they truly are. Stick with stating YOUR opinion, but leave the personal attacks and ill will to yourself.

FYI - At one time, Ken did teach in north Omaha.

kenanderin said...

In response to the comment that we have “no appreciation for what makes America great,” I have something to say. Having traveled to many less fortunate places in the world, I could not have a greater appreciation for my country than I do. The freedoms and opportunities we have here in the United States simply do not exist in most places of the world. We are so thankful to be Americans. As a way to sort of “pay it forward,” we hope to bless those in Afghanistan in ways we have been blessed here in the US. I think if we all tried to do something (whether it’s moving to Afghanistan or the inner city) we could change the world. Even though are contributions are small, something is always better than nothing.

slobotski said...

Well said Ken and will be praying for the journey!

Anne said...

The world will never understand why we do the things we're called to ... because in the flesh they make NO sense, but we live by the spirit and are called according to His purposes; not our own. Why would Jesus spit in his hands and rub dirt in it and THEN put it over a man's eye's...because when we obey the calling and passions in our hearts people are healed and changed for His glory. It's beautiful thing.

Joe said...

"Criticism is the luxury of the uninvolved."

If you are feeling burdened by the situation of North or South Omaha, or perhaps the welfare of children is your heart issue, then I would like to challenge you to do something more meaningful yourself than be critical of people who are trying to follow God's plan for them.

srdugan said...

Keep in mind, the safest place for anyone to be - our children included - is in the center of God's will. We put our families at risk if we choose to ignore God's call on our lives.

In that sense, "West O" out of His will if far more dangerous than Afghanistan in His will.

God bless you guys for your obedience! We love you and are praying for you.

Unknown said...

Ken and Erin
Be encouraged! You have put your flesh under the Lords command. You have trusted him with your lives and your children's lives. Some people see only with the eyes on their faces, and not with the eyes of the one who sees EVERYTHING. Sounds to me you are right where you need to be, that includes your children!!!